New Service Request

Welcome to the Salado Water Supply Corporation Community.  Please contact our office by phone -or- you can print out the Service Application and Agreement to apply for service. INSTRUCTIONS BELOW INCLUDE SIGNATURE NOTATIONS> YOU MUST SIGN AND INITIAL ALL APPLICABLE AREAS BEFORE YOUR AGREEMENT CAN BE ACCEPTED BY OUR OFFICE.You will be applying either as a Membership Transfer (which means service has previously been established at your new residence) or as a New Applicant of Membership (which means a meter needs to be purchased to establish new service). Please read your instructions below based on your Membership status. We look forward to serving your water needs.

*Membership as a Transferee*(Service has previously been established and you are transferring ownership onto the account)

Please see the attachment containing the Service Application & Agreement, complete and return to us at P.O. Box 128, Salado, TX 76571 (or in person at 410 Salado Plaza Dr., Salado.), along with your $50.00 Transfer Fee. (Applications cannot be accepted without the Transfer Fee).


  • Please complete Page 1 in its entirety. If we have not requested your Declaration Page of Deed, you may omit Proof of Ownership.
  • Date & Your name on Page 2. Please read this agreement in its entirety. Contact us if you have any questions regarding what your agreement states.
  • Sign "Signature" Line and Initial at bottom on Page 5.
  • Please read your privacy notice on Page 6. Sign "Signature" Line at the bottom.

*New Applicant of Membership*(New Service for a meter to be installed at a verified address. Each property must be clearly marked with the address before we will install the meter. You may use any method available to do so (stake, spray paint, etc.) but we will not install your meter until we are positive of the correct address. Please note, a CSI or Customer Service Inspection will be required for all new services.)

Follow the instructions in bold above to complete your Service Application & Agreement.

Please see the attachment containing the Service Application & Agreement, complete and return to us at P.O. Box 128, Salado, TX 76571 (or in person at 410 Salado Plaza), along with the payment for a new meter purchase price of $4000.00 for a standard *3/4 x 5/8* connection (Applications will not be accepted without payment). If you are applying for more than one meter, each purchased meter will need a seperate Service Application & Agreement, in addition to a seperate check for each meter you are purchasing.

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